Do Gas Stations Sell Baking Soda? [Updated]

Looking to pick up some baking soda on the go?

You may be wondering if gas stations stock this versatile ingredient.

The short answer is – some gas stations do sell baking soda!

Why Gas Stations Might Carry Baking Soda

There are a few reasons you can sometimes find baking soda at gas station convenience stores:

  • Extra inventory – Baking soda allows gas stations to offer expanded grocery selections.
  • Impulse purchases – Baking soda placed by registers can lead to impulse buys.
  • Convenience – Gas stations realize customers want to quickly grab baking soda while fueling up.
  • Multipurpose uses – Baking soda has many household applications, making it a popular item.

While not a staple product, carrying baking soda helps gas stations appeal to customer needs and preferences.

Where to Find Baking Soda at Gas Stations

Since it doesn’t require refrigeration, baking soda can be displayed anywhere in gas station stores. Look for it:

  • On endcap displays at checkout counters
  • On shelving near the snacks, sodas, and coffees
  • By the register with candy bars and packs of gum
  • With other household goods like laundry detergent
  • Sometimes near medical or dental care products

If you don’t spot it right away, ask the clerk. Baking soda may be kept in a section you overlooked.

Checking Baking Soda Expiration Dates

Baking soda has an exceptionally long shelf life of 12-60 months.

But it’s still smart to check expiration dates on the box or canister when purchasing from a gas station.

Look for baking soda furthest from its expiration date and inspect boxes for any damage before buying.

read also: Do Gas Stations Sell Eggs? [Let’s Find Out]

Properly stored, baking soda will remain effective for years beyond its expiration date.

If you do happen to purchase expired baking soda, it may work less effectively but should not make you ill if used.

Is Gas Station Baking Soda As Pure?

Rest assured – the baking soda sold at gas stations is just as pure and effective as baking soda from the grocery store.

Brands carried by gas stations adhere to the same food-grade standards.

You’ll often find popular brands like:

  • Arm & Hammer – One of the most widely available baking soda brands, including at gas stations. Look for their distinctive orange box.
  • Store brands – Generic gas station brands like Shurfine Baking Soda offer the same quality at lower prices.

As long as you choose a reputable brand and check expiration dates, gas station baking soda is just as pure and potent for all your baking and cleaning needs.

Using Baking Soda Safely

Baking soda is an extremely versatile product with many household uses. Here are some tips for using gas station-bought baking soda safely:

  • Always follow label instructions carefully. Do not exceed recommended dosages.
  • Avoid inhaling baking soda, as it can irritate lungs. Wear a mask when needed.
  • Baking soda can irritate skin and eyes. Avoid direct contact and wear gloves.
  • Do not mix baking soda with vinegar or other acids, as this causes a chemical reaction.
  • Keep baking soda away from children and pets. It is generally not toxic if ingested but can cause upset stomach.
  • Check for product recalls. Faulty batches can very rarely contain contaminants.

Observing basic precautions will allow you to leverage baking soda’s many benefits safely and effectively.

Is Buying Baking Soda at Gas Stations Frugal?

Baking soda is already an inexpensive product at just $.50-$1 per pound.

But gas stations sometimes offer especially good deals on baking soda.

Gas station baking soda prices are very low – often just $.25-$.75 for a 2-pound box or $.99 for a 4-pound bag.

This makes stocking up on baking soda at a gas station an extremely frugal option.

Next time you need baking soda for baking cookies or scrubbing surfaces, check your neighborhood gas station.

Along with rock-bottom prices, gas stations provide the ultimate convenience of grabbing this household essential anytime while filling up your tank.


So the next time you need baking soda for cooking, cleaning, or DIY projects, don’t overlook the gas station.

Many convenient stores now stock baking soda on their shelves alongside standard convenience items.

Just remember to check expiration dates and brands for quality assurance.

With their affordability and convenience, gas stations can be the perfect place to buy baking soda when you’re on the go.